venerdì 31 maggio 2013

Team Rome: Vocal Reseharsal.

Cheers Homies! This is Kanon of No3ks. Finally it's my turn to write about us and our reseharsal. I've been very busy that's why I haven't got time to attend the reseharsals.

Anyways... we dedicated this day on recording our korean track *yeheeeeeey!* a great experience for me and the rest of the team because it was our first time ;)

As usual I was late. They practised the dance steps without me, when I arrived they were at the studio and we decided to start recording.
First was Claudia, then me, Giorgia and Larissa.
At first we struggled 'cuz we didn't know how to control our voices and also because we were so excited and nervous at the same time.

Claudia had a hard time at first but later she had familiarity with the mic and start singing gracefully, althought there were parts where her voice tend to be a bit nasal.

I had a hard time as well, I tend to be more precise on the second part rather than the first. I was suffering inside that cabin, *waaaaaah* I often pronounce the words badly U.U

After recording my part, me and Claudia went to the dance hall and started to practise the coreo.

Meanwhile Giorgia was recording her part, I don't know how did it take her or if she did it well, I listened to her part when we all finished, her voice was way different from the voice she uses during the reseharsals.

Larissa did a lot of takes, her voice is so cute and sexy but she often goes off-beat. Claudia told her to look at her so that she can sing on time.

At the end the technician played the demo and we noticed all our mistakes but she assured us that with a bit of edit and other stuff this track will be a blast.
Next week we're gonna record the backup vocals.

By the way we took a lot of pitctures... what a pity, I didn't bring my dslr T.T ... we just used our cellphones and tablets.
Next time I'll bring my baby so that we can take good quality pictures.

Stay tuned for more updates about our progress.
Loveloadss buddies <3

Mitsuki's mind: I'm extremely happy for this Team, they make me happy day by day and I can't wait for their debut *_* I hope things going on in this way forever XD they're all good girls and they will do a lot of things together, I'm sure about it.

mercoledì 29 maggio 2013

Team Milan: Novegro Week End - Part. 2 Live Performance Sunday

Hello, Mitsuki's here.
I say now the second part of the week end.
I finished working at midnight,
arrived at home at 1AM
got to bed at 3AM
woke up at almost 6AM (XD)
I arrived really early and waited for Nacchi and Vale
Honestly I didn't know to bring with me the stand so I made a little disaster >___<
I didn't have the material so I had to re-do some pictures for the stand and... my oshimen, Eriko-san *___* she helped me, do you know what does it mean being helped by your oshimen?
She was so nice *____________*

What Eriko-san made for me *________* she's an amazing singer and an amazing artist *_*

Isn't this the best work ever? *________* she's amazing at everything, I love her...
Than, we did reseharsal with Nacchi and Vale, Nacchi at the end didn't want to dance shock, I think she was nervous XD I can feel her feelings XD

Then DJ Shiru started to work with the sound etc. for make everything ok.

Me preparing the SOLO.

At the end we cheer each other on and prepared to appear on stage, this photo was 2 min. before the stage.

The Live was great, I can't write my feelings XD

After the live we received a lot of compliments, I really had fun, I stayed at the stand and talked with a lot of girls that wanted to know more about the project ^_^ during the day we had a photo with Josi, I talked with him for two days and he is really nice, I hope to meet him soon again.

In the afternoon Eriko started to prepare herself for the show so before bothering her more I asked her a photo *__________* I was so nervous *wwww* look at her, isn't she beautiful? *www*

Then I met also my friends that came for the live and for the cosplay contest, I had to work and I changed the clothes, there I met Eriko that was changing her clothes and prepairing for the show, I talked with her and I thanked her for all she did for me, she did more than I would always even dream, she's the best oshimen ever *www* then her live.

I went away at 3PM,
I started to work at 6PM
I finished work at 10PM
I got home at 11.30PM and finally after almost 48 hours I saw my sister and my lil dog Blaire *-* I missed them a lot
at midnight I started to sleep, I've slept for almost 12 hours XD after had sleep almost 6 hours in 2 days I really needed it.
It was a really great experience and I still don't know how to thank DJ Shiru for the opportunity he gave to me.
Thanks to Ochacaffè, friends who came, friends who support me and everyone.
I love you all <3

martedì 28 maggio 2013

Team Milan: Novegro Weekend Part 1: Stand Saturday

Hello people, Mitsuki's here *_* and finally I can talk about last week end.
So, I woke up at 5AM and got ready, I arrive late though XD
I talked with DJ Shiru and he was so nice with me.
Then I saw... my oshimen, my beloved oshimen, Eriko-san ** I really wanted to cry XD (don't joke)
I said her hello and talked a bit with her, she was so nice, I said that I'm her fan and she was so happy **
Then, I changed the clothes and started to prepare the stand.
I put a lot of CDs in my stand and I attracted many people.

For make people come closer to me I also offered free biscuits XD

Then my friends arrived, and they helped me to prepare the stand (a lot of posters with AKB48, Nogizaka46, Hey Say Jump, Arashi etc.) Eriko was curious and she saw my CDs and magazines *_* than she asked me if she could read it... oshi *w* you can do all you want with my things XD
Look, she's reading my magazines.

I took some hours for prepare everything, I discovered this Saturday STRIPS! A web sitcom based on guys with a comics shop, friendship, love and a lot of fun in their web show.
 I'll starting to see their episodes ^_^
Also I finally saw Duo Kenzo sing live, I was so happy.

Then STRIPS was on the stage and I really loved them, they made me laugh a lot XD they were so funny, then I did photos with 3 of 4 members that were there Saturday.

Then a photo with STRIPS members and Josi (Josi is a boy that belong to TOZAI, cultural association)

We did a lot of fun, and at 4PM... her... my oshimen *_* Eriko on stage with DJ Shiru (K-BLE Jungle).
They were amazing but unfortunately I couldn't see their entire performance, I had to work ç_ç
But for what I've seen she was amazing.

I went to work and worked until midnight, I was tired and I went to bed, so nervous about the performance.
What happened at the end? Let's wait ^^

sabato 18 maggio 2013

Team Milan: Mini Live at Novegro 26th May 2013

Hello, Mitsuki's here and I'm here for a happy announcement:
Team Milan will perform for the first time at the 'Festival del Fumetto' in Novegro next Sunday (26th of May at 11.00 AM) *wwww*

Yeiii *www* I'm happy.

Honestly, I didn't want to say this until the day before of the live but in other sites the news is already online so I'll spread the link here too ^______^

Cool isn't it? it is also written the hour when we'll perform live so if go at the Festival please don't miss us ^_^

Also Ochacaffè speak about us ^^

I always followed DJ SHIRU and Eriko and see her live finally is like a dream. I love them and althought I won't stay too much (I had to work ç_ç) I hope to see them before going to work.
I'm really excited and can't wait for next sunday.

For all the people going in the Festival please come and see us ^^ It mean a lot for us.

See you for more infos

giovedì 16 maggio 2013

Sudden Announcement: Team Turin Line-up Changes.

Sudden Announcement: Coco and Nene's Turin Members both left Team Turin officially today.

Coco graduated normally and she said earlier she wanted to left the group because she changed her interest about asian music. If she want to return she will be placed in Team Kids (since she's 15) and could return in Team Turin when she'll be 18. Coco joined as a minor in Team Turin before the creation of Team Kids so she wasn't placed in the Team yet, from now on all minors that join in IIP will be automatically placed in Team Kids.

With Nene is a different situation, Team Turin Leader and I recently talked about their situation in the group and at the end because of issue in the group the Leader took the best choice and decide to going on with the group without her.
I'm agree with her and she won't have another chance to return in the project, neither as a soloist, neither as a member even if all original members graduate, neither as a staff member so she won't return in the project, never.

Coco offered herself to going on with the single and postponed her graduation but as Noemi's withdrawl from the group isn't necessary to her to stay so she graduated before the single.

Barbara and Elena will going on to work together, as 2nin members. They will release the songs in mid-July like we said earlier, the songs will be changed.

venerdì 10 maggio 2013

Team Rome: Always practicing, almost ready for recording.

Hello! Yuki from No3kS here!
The rehearsal of Team Rome this wednesday was great! ;D
First of all, Kanon was not able to be with us again but a really big surprise was with friend Mara =3
In the beginning she was studying our coreography only for help us and see our mistakes!
But this time she danced with us! I asked if she could replace Kanon for this rehearsal because it's hard to dance with empty spaces ._. we wanted 4 members in the coreography so we could see better the distance and the movements! ;P

I was really surprised because Mara was studying the coreography but she never danced it!!! Only for us she trained at home and in one day she was able to dance very well
I'm so happy to have lovely friends like Mara
So we danced a lot our korean song and after we sung our japanese one! ^0^
I recorded and wow!*-* Not yet perfect but very nice!!! *_^
Next time I think we will go to the recording studio to record the korean song so we will focus more on the japanese one
The time of debut is please support us until that moment!!!
See you next time bye bye

Mitsuki's mind: I really love this group, they really have an hard-working attitude, so I think they all together will do a lot of things together, just wait to see their beginning.

giovedì 2 maggio 2013

Team Milan: Dance Dance Dance.

Hello, Mitsuki's here.
Two days ago we did dance practice for the first time, and it was amazing, in the previous dance room for one hour we spent 30 euros, too much, this cost less than a half of the previous room ** this room (we choose the little one because we are a three) is really big, we love it and the management is really nice to us, I didn't do photos of myself, I did photos of my two girls, Vale and Nacchi.

Althought this place isn't in Milan (near to my house) we managed the time so well, we did a lot of dance together and we'll come back next week as well *-* more photos of the dance room

Next time I'll show a video of our dance together, for this week in the Youtube channel you can see Nacchi and Vale dance together CL and Minzy song (Please don't go), stay tuned in the blog because soon a Team that didn't show theirselves yet will show their dance/vocal practice.
Stay tuned, it's all for today.