sabato 18 maggio 2013

Team Milan: Mini Live at Novegro 26th May 2013

Hello, Mitsuki's here and I'm here for a happy announcement:
Team Milan will perform for the first time at the 'Festival del Fumetto' in Novegro next Sunday (26th of May at 11.00 AM) *wwww*

Yeiii *www* I'm happy.

Honestly, I didn't want to say this until the day before of the live but in other sites the news is already online so I'll spread the link here too ^______^

Cool isn't it? it is also written the hour when we'll perform live so if go at the Festival please don't miss us ^_^

Also Ochacaffè speak about us ^^

I always followed DJ SHIRU and Eriko and see her live finally is like a dream. I love them and althought I won't stay too much (I had to work ç_ç) I hope to see them before going to work.
I'm really excited and can't wait for next sunday.

For all the people going in the Festival please come and see us ^^ It mean a lot for us.

See you for more infos

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